Entries by David Smith

How are your teams doing? Really?!

As we move further past the one-year mark since the pandemic landed, we see the pressures and challenges mounting for leaders and their remote teams. In this time of uncertainly and sudden adaptations, it has become more important than ever to understand how leaders can continue to influence their workforce positively. This blog explores how […]

Delegate… or Drown

There was much I could identify with in the 2017 Harvard Business Review article by Jesse Sostrin called, ‘To Be a Great Leader, You Have to Learn How to Delegate Well’.  After 30 years in organizational leadership and executive coaching/mentoring roles, I can vouch that delegation has been the most second-guessed management activity.  That was […]

2020 WIM Win Conference

David Smith was a guest presenter at the WIM WiN Sask “Mine Your Potential” Conference – September 25, 2020.  David spoke on the topic of Effective Leadership of Virtual Teams. Have a look!

Purpose… The New Strategy

In the past seven months since the arrival of COVID-19, much has changed. We heard strategic prophets at the outset talk about how the next two years will bring us the same amount of change anticipated for the coming two decades. Wow, much to assimilate and adapt to so quickly. As millions of people in […]

Getting to Know Your Team Through Assessments

Have you ever been confused or discouraged when you’ve discovered that a team is not performing as expected or a team member isn’t fitting in?  What happened?  Did you inherit leadership of the team or personally assemble it?  Has the team climate changed dramatically, maybe a pandemic has set in?  Sadly, that is our reality […]

The Two sides of Remote Working

The Desire to Work Remotely Most of us are six months into social distancing and the remote working that goes with it.  Don’t let the working from home dishearten you, there are many benefits, which is why so many workers have adapted to it since the arrival of COVID-19.   A study by Zapier found that […]