Virtual Leadership Matters Inc.™ Facilitators have decades of experience facilitating team development events including retreats. We’ve developed a reputation for combining engaging and interactive facilitation with forward-thinking leadership practices that teams can grasp and immediately apply to improve their effectiveness. Our clients tell us over and over again what they like most about working with us, is that we help them identify practical solutions that they need to navigate and succeed in this new hybrid environment by offering the resources, facilitation and expertise that they need.
You can choose from a range of topics customized for your needs today and any specific delivery plans, in-person or virtual.
- Revving up charge for year-end
- Engaging Remote Employees
- Maximizing the Value of Your Time on-site or remotely
- Stress Management – Finding Balance
- Leading and Managing Change
- Emotional Intelligence & Mental Fitness
- Business Development in the Virtual World
- Team Purpose, Values & Climate
- Conflict Management Techniques
- Team Alignment Assessment
- Team Role Clarification & Fit
- Communicating in-person & virtually
- Technology Tips for Remote/Hybrid Meetings
- Planning Team Interactions and Work
- Performance Management & Feedback
- Mastering the Art of Difficult Dialogues
- Decision Making